Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's Shear Madness!

Ella's "First" Haircut

Before her haircut

After her haircut

We took Ella finally for her "first" haircut after 3 1/2 years. My mom actually cut her hair without my knowing. So technically this would be her second haircut but this is the first one that John & I saw. We took her to a cute place called Shear Madness. They have different cars and planes that the kids can sit in while getting their haircut. Ella of course chose the Cinderella Car. Also while getting their haircut they can watch a DVD. Which Ella chose too watch Barbie Princess & the Pauper. We didn't get much cut off because I don't want too lose those cute curls. It was a great and fun "first" (technically second) haircut.

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