Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ella!

We started the morning with shamrock shaped pancakes and bacon. Which Ella kept calling them flowers. Then when I tried to get her dressed in her St. Pat's shirt she decided she wanted to wear her Christmas dress. It was a cold and rainy day and Ella just wanted to stay inside and play games. She was very excited when Gramma & Grampa's presents arrived in the mail. We have stickers everywhere including all over Hudson. We took Ella to Red Robin for dinner. She kept calling the Red Robin (a guy walking around in a robin costume) a Jayhawk. Since it was her birthday they put balloons on her head, sang Happy Birthday and gave her an Ice Cream Sundae. She loved them singing to her. Then when we came back home she had a couple more presents to open, a new princess sofa/bed and another Barbie. She is truly a great blessing and I can't believe my sweet little girl is already 3 years old.

1 comment:

Journaling My Journey said...

I like your sofa.
Grandpa Neir