Thursday, January 31, 2008

3 Months of Fun with my big Sis

Ella told me that Hudson wanted to watch a movie with her so I put in a movie for them and I came back out and this is how I found her watching the movie.

Well it has been 3 months already and he is such a little sweetie. Hudson is my big smiling butterball baby. He still wakes up about twice a night unless he has a cold (which it seems has most of the time) then he wakes up 3-4 times a night. He is still in his bassinet at night but he does take naps in his crib. Naps are only about 30 minutes long in his crib but if he takes a nap in his swing or in mommy's arms he will sleep for a couple of hours. Hudson is such a happy smiling great baby. At church there is so many babies that I have been bringing him to Sunday School and Church with us and he will usually sleep right through Church (Ella would have never done that). He is also getting a little attached to his Mommy. If John is holding him and he sees or hears me he will start crying until I pick him up or show him attention. So much for not spoiling him.

Ella loves playing with Hudson and all his new baby toys. She is still such a great helper. She loves to remind me of Tummy Time mainly because she loves to play with him and his toys. She loves to wake him up because she just wants to play with him and give him hugs and kisses. I have caught her rolling him across the floor and I worry that she is going to hurt him but he is just smiling and giggling so big. Her other favorite thing is to tell me Hudson wants to do something, like "Mommy, Hudson wants to watch a movie with Ella?". Also she still does talk in the third person. I try to get her to talk in the first person and say I am hungry instead of Ella's hungry but she says "Oh you are hungry Mommy." We will keep working on it.


Marilee We Roll Along said...

Beautiful pictures of beautiful children! Enjoy holding Hudson as all too soon he will be taller than his mom. Time goes so fast--it doesn't seem very long ago that John's grandparents (The Tuckers) called to tell me of their new grandson--John Neir.

The Lanker Family said...

Very cute pictures!

Journaling My Journey said...

Hudson, you make me smile!
Grandpa Neir

grammaneir said...

Ella & Hudson - you are both little dolls but that smile in the first picture is a winner Hudson. We love you both.