Friday, January 4, 2008

2 Months

Hudson trying out Ella's car seat. He thinks he is pretty big stuff.
Checking sport scores with Daddy

My little baby is two months already. He is getting so big at his 2 month checkup he weighed 13 lbs 14 oz. (93%) and was 24" (80%) tall. Hudson loves to talk and smile all the time. Ella loves that he is able to watch her more and she enjoys showing him all her fancy dance moves. He loves Ella and all the attention she gives him she can really get him to smile and coo. Sleeping is going pretty good so far he wakes up usually two times a night and he is still in his bassinet in our room. He is such a special little gift from God.


Elisa Seaba said...

You are such a sweetie Hudson! Wow big guy you passed up you younger cousin in weight. You will probably be sleeping through the night before her too :)

grammaneir said...

I think I see a little bit of Daddy's ornery side in that first big smile - you are a cutie Hudson!

grammaneir said...

What a special boy.
Grandpa Neir