Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ella's Birthday Party

Ella's Birthday Cake
Mya, Dawson, Ella & Tristin these are the few kids who would let us take there picture
Ella now really loves to open presents

Everybody gathers around to watch Ella open her gifts
Ella did pretty good not making a mess with her cake
Little Miss Princess Ella

Ella and Mya dancing together
Two cute KU Cheerleaders
Ella and Mya hugging

Ella loved her party. I had put up all the decorations while she was taking her nap and when she saw all the balloons and presents she was a very excited two year old. We had a Little Mermaid birthday party which Ella picked out. She loves that movie. She had a lot of fun playing with her cousins but she really liked trying on all her new clothes. As you can see her modeling them in the pictures. Her presents included many cute little outfits, a Princess Dress (with a hat), a lot of KU clothing, Stuffed animals, books, Movies, Jewelry.......etc. She is such a true girly-girl she loved dressing up and putting on her new jewelry. It was little sad because all dressed up she didn't look like my baby anymore. She looked like such a big girl. If you asked her how old she was she would say "two" but she would put up 5 fingers. We still are working on that. Also, Happy 32nd Birthday Brian I hope you enjoyed your Batman themed birthday party.

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