Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Ella!

Birthday Princess
Sweet Sisters
All three kids in their green at the start of our busy day. I am thinking it is almost impossible to get a picture with all three looking at the camera.
Can you tell she opened this present first thing in the morning?
All the presents from Gramma & Grampa. It made for a fun day of opening a few presents throughout the day.
Finally she got her Lalaloopsy.
Blowing out her candles

It was a very busy day full of plans from the birthday girl. She said she wanted a big breakfast with all of her favorites and even Hudson's favorites. After I got this big breakfast made they took a couple of bites and said they were full. Then after opening some presents we got ready for the day and headed out to Pizza Street to meet her friend Gwen. After pizza Gwen came over to our house to play with Ella all afternoon. Ella chose Culver's for dinner and then she wanted to watch a movie. Which was then followed by opening more presents and cupcakes. It was a great day and Ella enjoyed a day where she got to make all (well most) of the plans. After all your birthday is only once a year.

An update on Ella just so I want forget. She is a great big sister to her brother and sister. She loves kindergarten and her teacher. She is learning great and is now reading first grade words. Spelling tests and Math are her favorite things besides the fun activities like gym (which she use to not like). She is loving that she can now read some books. She is truly a blessing and I love her loving and giving spirit.

1 comment:

grammaneir said...

Loved the pictures of your cute kids. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday Ella. You are a great big sister. We love you!