Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Big Wheel Day 2010

Ella & Lexi on the race track
Fixing their cars at the Garage
Riding the bus
Ella going through the Drive-Thru
Stopping in to get a cookie
Hudson's favorite thing was to play in the garage and "fix" his Big Wheel.
Thank goodness I had the stroller the kids were too tired to walk or ride.

Even though it rained all morning the rain stopped and Big Wheel day was still on. Ella was very excited to ride her big wheel around. Last year on big wheel day she loved filling her bike up with gas and even one time she said she ran out of gas. Well this year instead of running out of gas her Big Wheel broke down and she had to push it to the Garage to get it fixed. She has a great imagination.
Hudson even got to join in on the fun this year and had a blast. On the race track he got plowed over a couple of times but he didn't mind he just hopped back up and started riding again. His favorite was the garage with all the tools so he could work on his Big Wheel.