Sunday, July 19, 2009

Part Three: Bridge, Church, Bonfire and Random Pics

Hudson giving Great Grandma kisses.
Ella doing the Zip Line.
Hudson enjoying the play house.
Ella & Molly playing in the sand box.
Meredith & Hudson drawing with sidewalk chalk.
Brooklyn and Hudson enjoying the trampoline without the big kids.
The pool and slide for the three little ones.
Cooling off in the pool.
Molly & Hudson swinging.
Ella & Meredith on the trampoline.
The kids down by the bridge.
Singing at Grandpa's church. The kids did a great job singing and saying their memory verses. Hudson enjoyed being on stage and was quite the little star.
Ella toasting her marshmallow.
The rain stopped just in time for the bonfire.
Hudson loved the marshmallows.
Although two extremely tired kids and one equally tired mama makes for a little stress the kids still had a blast playing with their cousins and spending time with their grandparents.

1 comment:

Marilee We Roll Along said...

Great photos and priceless memories!