Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camp Gramma Day Three: The Zoo

Wichita Zoo
This sign says it all
The kids checking out the family of flamingo's
Our Sweet little stroller Babies

The girls were trying to get the monkey to jump around. So they started Jumping up and down and then the monkey started bobbing his head up and down as they jumped.
As we were standing watching the bears the two bears started to fight. All of us adults that were standing there jumped but none of the kids were scared.

Hudson was tired of being stuck in his stroller so Grampa carried him around the zoo for awhile.
"Look Mommy, those Giraffes are eating. That's silly."
They had this chart too see how big of a bird you would be. Ella had the wing span of a Scarlett Macaw. The picture below is of the Scarlet Macaw in which the bird looks pretty small.

We went into the Rain Forest and it was really hot and humid. There were a lot of birds and huge bats and many other animals. But I was terrified of the bats and was ready to run the second I saw them move. Thankfully they didn't bother any of us.
Ella trying to cool off by taking a drink from her water canteen
Brittany was a great help all weekend and especially at the zoo. She helped me by pushing Ella around in the stroller all day.

Ella & Meredith Milking a Cow

We drove the kids up to the Wichita Zoo. On the way to the zoo the kids in my car were thinking that people at the zoo might recognize them from being in the Hutch Newspaper. Unfortunately for them they weren't recognized. I think the temperature was only a lit bit above 100 degrees. We packed sandwiches and chips for lunch and pulled the coolers around on a wagon. But the kids enjoyed taking turns riding on the wagon. When I asked Ella what her favorite part of the zoo was she said when the bears fighting. The kids all did really well and on the way home 3 out of the 4 kids in my car fell asleep.
I forgot to post pictures of the rest of the day. So stay tuned for the next post.

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