Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our littlest Pumpkin

Her scary pumpkin face

Halloween 2010

Princess Jasmine & Buzz Lightyear
All three kids dressed up
Princess Belle
Ella freezing outside trick or treating

This year the kids chose to be Princess Jasmine, Buzz Lightyear, and Princess Belle. It was quite chilly so the kids were not wanting to stay out to long trick or treating. But they still had a lot of fun and got quite a bit of candy.

Carving Pumpkins

Working on the Mickey Mouse pumpkin

Ella was really excited to carve pumpkins this year and she even asked if she could clean the pumpkins out. They each chose what they wanted on their pumpkin. Ella chose a spider web and Hudson wanted an H. Then they both agreed to do Mickey Mouse on the big pumpkin.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Our little Seven Week old!

(Now she is eight weeks but these pictures are a week old)

Our Little Boy turns 3!

Ella and Hudson (1 day old at the hospital)
Our little guy is Three! Wow, these past three years have gone really fast. He is such a kind wonderful little boy. He loves both his sister's so much. He loves anything to do with cars and loves anything Ella likes. He loves to help with anything and is definitely still a Momma's boy (which I love). Hudson you are such a wonderful blessing and your sister's are lucky to have such a sweet, kind and loving brother.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hudson's Third Birthday Party

Our "Cowgirl Jesse" and "Cowboy Woody"
Loving his outfit from Papa
Opening presents
Blowing out the candles. He was afraid the candles were going to burn down the house.
He started with a fork, but decided his mouth worked better.
Getting ready to start the Horse races
Hudson is losing the race but he doesn't care he's still having a blast.
Horse races
Pin the Tail on Bullseye

Hudson wanted to have a Toy Story party this year. So we had his favorite foods Pizza, Mac-n-Cheese (Toy Story shape), and Jello. His cake was a Buzz Lightyear and Woody cake. Then he opened his presents. His facial expressions are hilarious. We then played horse races and Pin the Tail on Bullseye games. He had so much fun and it's not even his birthday yet.

September 2010

All three kids just hanging out together
First Bath (Yes, this was a month ago)

First Matching outfits
First Smiles (well one of the firsts)
First time playing cars. Although Hudson was a little disappointed she couldn't actually play.
First time to take a bath all together. They were very excited to take a bath with Alivia.
Our two girls in their robe and slippers
All three kids after their baths.

I have been falling behind in my blogging, so I am now trying to catch back up. These are pictures from the past month of September. It was full of big milestones.

Princess Party 2010

Our two little Princess Belle's

Ella wanted to get her picture taken with Belle

Well it was time for the annual Princess Party. Ella loves going to this every year and especially to have some girl time with just Mommy. It was of course full of fun Princess activities and Ella had a blast.

Pumpkin Patch 2010

Duck races
Hudson's Pumpkin
Ella's Pumpkin (not really, but she liked it)

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago. They had a lot of fun feeding the animals, playing on the playground, doing a corn maze, hay ride and finding a pumpkin. After a long day at the pumpkin patch we had a snack of warm pumpkin donuts which were delicious.