Hudson is now 9 months old. He is starting to take a couple of steps but then he realizes that he can get where he is going faster by crawling. He has two more teeth coming in on the top, his fang teeth. I remember Ella had only her fang teeth on the top and her smile was hilarious. So it looks like we will have another baby with a cute little fang smile. Hudson is still such a happy little baby we didn't even know he was teething until we checked and saw them starting to come in. He is getting around a lot faster and starting to climb. I am sure he is going to be an all adventurous boy.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Family Swim
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Camp Gramma the Last Day
Well on Thursday after breakfast Camp Gramma was officially over. Ella did not want to leave she said she wanted to stay at "camp all day." Her and Meredith had fun playing together. They have been hug buddies since they were babies and they still knock each other down. She had so much fun that she is already talking about coming back next year to Gramma's camp and playing with all of her friends.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Camp Gramma Day Three: The Bonfire
Camp Gramma Day Three: The Zoo
Wichita Zoo
We drove the kids up to the Wichita Zoo. On the way to the zoo the kids in my car were thinking that people at the zoo might recognize them from being in the Hutch Newspaper. Unfortunately for them they weren't recognized. I think the temperature was only a lit bit above 100 degrees. We packed sandwiches and chips for lunch and pulled the coolers around on a wagon. But the kids enjoyed taking turns riding on the wagon. When I asked Ella what her favorite part of the zoo was she said when the bears fighting. The kids all did really well and on the way home 3 out of the 4 kids in my car fell asleep.
I forgot to post pictures of the rest of the day. So stay tuned for the next post.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Camp Gramma Day Two
We began the day with breakfast at 8:00 and the older kids went fishing and the younger kids went to the water park. Ella and Hudson didn't really like the water spraying on them so Ella went to the park and played.
In the afternoon someone from the Hutch Newspaper came and did a story on Camp Gramma and it actually made the front page. Check out this link to read the article. Then we let all the kids swim and later that night we went and watched their cousin's last baseball game which they won. Way to go Trevin! After the game we came home had some snacks and a meeting about the next days activities. Oh Yeah and it was only 101 degrees out today.
Welcome to Camp Gramma 2008
This is Ella's first year to get spend time with all of her cousins at Camp Gramma. We left Monday afternoon and arrived in Hutch a little bit before dinner time and orientation. After dinner we had a orientation were we sang songs, handed out Camp Gramma shirts, and talked about this year's theme We Are Family.
There were 3 tents set up in the backyard along with a playhouse, swimming pool, trampoline, zip line and many other activities. Ella is sleeping in the tent with all the girls and Gramma. She was really excited to be a big girl and sleep with all the girls. Although I think she is one of the last one's to sleep and usually the first one to wake up.
So much fun already and this is only the first night of Camp Gramma.
Monday, July 21, 2008
VBS County Fair
It was the only game that was inside so we enjoyed spending quite awhile in the cool. Ella won 3 times and she chose cookies and cupcakes.
Soda Toss
Our Vacation Bible School theme was the County Fair. So on Sunday night they had a big fair with a Ferris Wheel, horse rides, petting zoo and a bunch of games. It was alot of fun but it was extremely hot and after 2 1/2 hours we were ready to leave, well at least John and I were ready to leave.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Going for a walk
We went on a walk and I had Ella walk with me instead of riding her bike. It gets too hard to push the stroller and control Ella on her bike. She was jammin' to the Ipod and held onto the stroller the entire walk. She was so funny listening to music and singing along. But she doesn't like the heat and was ready to be done walking because she told me she was sweating.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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