John & Roger played tennis after work Monday night Ella & I went along so she could play in the park. However, she just wanted to play tennis. There were a group of 4-5 year olds getting tennis lessons next to our court. So she wanted to be like them and she told me she wants to take tennis lessons. I told her when she is there age she could but I am sure by then she will have moved on to something else. Ella enjoyed cheering on her daddy and taking some pictures. She actually did pretty well considering she was using one of John's racquet's.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Our Little Tennis Star
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Fall Fun Fest
We took Ella to our little fair here in town. We had never been before they actually had more rides than we thought. We went on Friday night because there was a rival football game so the fair was pretty empty. Ella was the only kid on most of the rides. We had to take her off a couple of the rides because she was crying. I think she missed having Meryn to go on the rides with her.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Our Finished Nursery
We finally got the nursery finished. It took us awhile too decide on the colors too use. We already had the bedding bought which has turtles and starfish on it. So we painted waves and turtles and starfish on the walls. Ella loved helping me paint. Which was really fun for me. She managed only to get a little paint on one of her clothes. Even while painting Ella has to wear a dress and carry a purse (such a little princess). Ella loves the room she shows it off to anyone who comes over.
Ella & Meryn more fun in Hutch
Thursday, September 13, 2007
More State Fair
We went to the Fair with Greg, Susan and their kids. It was quite a hot day. We spent the day going through the buildings getting free stuff for the kids. Then we went to the pig races. Which sad to say sounds more exciting than it was. We got there early to get good seats and they had music playing and Ella entertained us by dancing for us. When it was finally time for the race to begin the kids were not that interested. We actually left before the final race.
John, Susan, Greg and I actually went to the fair a couple of times with out the kids. I obviously can't go on any rides but the four of us did go down the big slide. Which it doesn't sound very exciting but it was a pretty good ride. After going to the fair four times I was pretty much done. The baby was done too because I was having contractions like crazy. It was definitely good exercise.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ella the Fire Fighter?
Since Ella had fun riding in a toy fire truck we decided to go see Uncle Greg at work. John, Ella, Meryn and I went to the Fire station to see Uncle Greg and the fire trucks. Although Ella didn't enjoy the real fire truck as much as the pretend trucks. Meryn was there to help Ella not be too scared. Ella did enjoy the sticker and badge that Uncle Greg and she did like turning the water on in the hose. Maybe next time she will enjoy the Fire Station a little more.
Monday, September 10, 2007
State Fair With the Girls

John, Susan, Ella, Meryn and I went to the State Fair today. It started out as a nice cool morning but after the girls rode some rides the temperature dropped 10 degrees and started to rain. So we didn't end up staying too much longer. Ella and Meryn had so much fun riding the rides together. After every ride Ella would get off and say "that was fun." They both enjoyed the train ride and waved to everyone walking by. Half way through the train ride the conductor had to get off and start pushing the train because the rain was making the rails slick. When we left the girls were so cold and wet they didn't complain about leaving.
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