Ella wouldn't let me take a picture of her on the planebut she did let me take one of her baby that
she buckled in. At one point in traveling I thought they
were going to kick us off the plane or out of the airport.
We had a 3 hour layover for a total traveling day of 8 hours. Ella was a very tired two year old she didn't sleep on the plane at all but when we finally got to Florida she crashed as soon as I put her in the stroller.

Ella loved doing a puzzle with Great Grandma & Grandpa.
Ella playing some minature golf
Ella was all excited to go swimming. She wanted to
carry her boat and started running and fell down and scraped her knee. Then she didn't want to swim anymore.
Ella didn't really like the beach that much she wouldn'tget very close to the water and she didn't like the
sand in her sandals. I did put her feet in the water and
she didn't like that at all. I guess she won't be a beach babe.
Ella also didn't like taking pictures with mommy on the beach.
Grandpa giving Ella some seashell that he had found.

Ella enjoyed the beach by sitting in her chair and
watching the seagulls. We then grilled hamburgers at the
beach and Ella had fun chasing the birds away from our food.
Ella loved Grandpa's cart and he even let her drive sometimes.
Ella's looking at the little oranges on Grandpa's tree.
Ella & Great Grandpa off of Sharky's pier.
Which they have a restaurant that we ate lunch
at right on the beach. Ella has that look on her face
because right where she is looking is a full bucket of big dead fish. It made us both just about lose our appetites.
This is the baby shark Ella caught right off the pier.
We really were just walking by and a guy started
reeling this baby shark up. Ella really enjoyed seeing the fish up close. 
The second time we went to the beach Ella enjoyed
it more because I put tennis shoes on her but she still
didn't get very close to the water.
Ella & Mommy at the beach
Ella & Great Grandpa reading some magazine's.
We survived the trip and had some fun but it is always good to be home.