Friday, February 23, 2007

New Bike

It has been so nice outside lately we have been going outside and playing everyday. Ella didn't have any thing to ride around on so we gave her and early birthday present. She loves her new tricycle. It has a handle for adults to be able to push and steer where the tricycle goes. Which is really nice since Ella hasn't quite got the concept of pedaling.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ella Praying

We have been trying to teach Ella to pray. It is hard to get her to understand that she can't eat until we pray. This past week Ella has started praying. She will even wait to eat until we have prayed. She will bow her head and fold her hands together. She will even pray along with you and when we are done praying and say amen Ella starts clapping. She is such a little sweetie. My little baby is growing up so fast. Sorry no picture I didn't want to set a bad example by taking a picture while we were praying.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ella's Fashion Sense

Ella loves to pick out her outfits and today was no different expect she didn't want to wear any pants. She did want her shoes on though. I don't know where she thought she would be going without pants but she put on her shoes and was waving and saying "bye, bye". Poor Ella before we did go anywhere she did have to wear pants, once she had them on she didn't mind because she knew she really was going bye,bye.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Papa

Ella couldn't wait to help Papa open his presents

Soon the other kids were wanting to help

Alex & Ella played with there dolls under the table...

and Tristin & Austin wrestled.

Shoveling snow

Ella supervising John as he shovels the driveway

John is trying to teach Ella how to make and throw snowballs

Ella is showing Daddy her shoveling technique

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sick Girl

We were doing good so far this winter on no one getting sick until poor Ella came down with a bad cold. She just wants to cuddle and rock and she thinks because she is sick so our her dolls. So she covers them up and cuddles with them just like mommy does with her.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Our Super Bowl Party

As you can see Ella really enjoyed the Super Bowl.
She really didn't do bad until I wanted to take that
picture and then she fell apart. Silly me trying
to take a picture during the game.

Meryn and Ella

Ella loves her doll which she named after her cousin Meryn. She loves to dress Meryn up in her clothes and diapers. Ella has been acting like she wants to use the big potty. I tried it yesterday and she just started crying. Then we decided to get her little potty out. She didn't like that one either but we put Meryn on it and took her diaper off to show Ella what to do. It didn't help Ella at all but I think the doll Meryn is probably potty trained now because Ella is constantly taking Meryn's diaper off and putting her on the little potty. I think now she thinks it is just a seat she will carry the potty from room to room and sit down on it. I am not in a rush to potty train she isn't even two yet.